Thanksgiving Thankful #12- 2014 edition

Today I am thankful for.....get ready....COUPONS!!!

Admittedly I am still new to couponing so I have no claim to fame of extreme couponing, but I must say there is something fantastically great about getting to the register seeing one price, presenting your coupons and seeing that price plummet!!  So good. (Though it might make you want to go buy more..but resist!)  It has created many times where my family and I can try new products, get some products we needed but maybe had not budgeted for, etc.
I currently only get coupons from the Sunday paper, but it is because when I find them online they print weird and I can't get the bar code to show up.  So if you have any ideas please let me know!

Where do you get your coupons?  Have your found a way to shop with them and make the savings go further?  Please share any tips of the trade if you will:)
