The expression "like a kid at a candy store" comes to mind every time I think back to last weeks GFAF Wellness Event, except instead of just kids it was gluten free individuals who were in a safe zone of gluten free goodness! There were vendors that covered meals, snacks, beverages, protein shakes and more. Every table was filled with more goodies, snickysnacks and information. Below I am going to highlight a few of the tables (10 specifically) that I enjoyed that day, but have also been on mind this week as I continued to enjoy the samples or what I purchased while there!
Artisan Tropic
So good. They had plantain and cassava strips that were out of this world. I loved the cassava sea salt strips and the plantain cinnamon strips. Additionally they had dried fruit. For me dried fruit is a hit or a miss. Well theirs is a hit. That coconut and the pineapple were beyond delicious. I am pretty sure I sampled way more than I was necessary! They also had fantastic prices for the products on hand (those were coming home with me!). What I also enjoyed was how everyone answered questions and were so friendly. They had a fantastic table, product and customer service. I can't wait to order my next batch of cassava strips and coconut or pineapple!
Bold Rock Hard Cider
Refreshing and delicious. They had two styles to sample from and I honestly can't way what my favorite is. I can see enjoying either with different meals or times. Both were light, smelled great and were very smooth to drink. I left there knowing that I would be purchasing their product! Additionally I loved how the woman running the table knew about what new releases on the way (I can't wait to try pear)
Roots~ "The Microbrew of Hummus"
Talk about a selection of flavors! I tried 3 out, which I enjoyed, but the one I loved and plan on buying as soon as I get to a store that carries this brand (small town living y'all!) is the Roasted Garlic. It is tasty but not overpowering in smell. If you like hummus you will love this product! If you are not a hummus fan, you should try this because my mom and friend are not the biggest hummus fans, but enjoyed this flavor and product. We did have to steer me and my friend away from the spicy options as we don't handle spice to well!! However, my mom she loves spices and could not stop raving about them.
Fields of Gold Farm
Heaven. My mom, friend and I all tried their gelato and it was beyond amazing. I would never in a million years think I was eating goats milk. Then the flavors were so clear and light. I tried the chocolate dipped strawberry. I think I could eat that everyday. My mom tried the tiramisu and said it was the best she had tried. My friend got the chocolate mint and enjoyed that as well! I also loved that they are local to NC, do not use gluten, chemicals, GMOS, etc. It was a pleasure to try a new product, feel no worry about getting ill and find that it was delicious!
Red Clay Gourmet
Try this product as soon as you can. I tried the Goat Cheese and Sun Tried Tomato pimento cheese and it is still on my mind. It was light with a bit of zest. Delicious. It is not sold near me, but I already have it on my list for the next time that I am near Greensboro or Charlotte!!
The Gluten and Grain Free Gourmet
Her food is out of this world delicious. Many things I tried last weekend were good, but her paleo sea salt almond chocolate bars are out of this world. I don't mean just good for being gluten free, dairy free, paleo etc. I mean they are good!! Additionally, it was great talking to her and learning from her experiences and vast knowledge about nutrition and the gluten free world.
Little Me Tea
First of all the name is adorable. Secondly the woman working the table was very informative and knowledgeable about her product. While at her table I tried one of the flavors and found it very refreshing. We were told it would not be as sweet as some might expect, but that was intentional because it was caffeine free tea sweetened with fruits and vegetables. All three of us enjoyed our flavor and I was thrilled when I saw more boxes of it in my blogger swag bag. I have not had a flavor yet that I do not like and my parents, who both are diabetic but find doing without sweet tea, have enjoyed them as well! As soon as I finished the flavors I looked up where I can find them so that we can purchase more:)
The Produce Box
I learned about this company a while ago and I love the idea behind it. However and quite sadly, I do not live in an area that they deliver to..yet! Fingers crossed they start closing the gap between Greensboro and Charlotte and we in the Rowan County area can start partaking in the fresh local goodies that they provide to their customers! I loved that they were at this event because I spoke with them about delivering out this way and learned more about the farmers, the products, etc. If you are looking for a convenient way to get local and fresh produce, check out their page to see if you are live in their delivery area! The service and prices are quite competitive and reasonable!
Titos Vodka
They know their stuff and their product tastes fantastic. I thought their display was very creative and eye-catching. I loved that the people working the table had heard of the town that has the ABC near me, knew the men who work the counter and were knowledgeable about other vodkas. I enjoyed that this product did not have an overly strong smell, but did have a very smooth and clear taste.
Ricewrap Foods
I love sushi. I love all kinds of sushi and so it was pretty upsetting when I started figuring out my need for gluten free that many sushi places could not guarantee gluten free products. This company has a fantastic product and a great way of showcasing it since they rolled the sushi rolls at the event. The rice was fresh, delicious, kept its shape and I loved it! I wanted to purchase it there, and that was an option, but I could not since I live more than an hour away from the event location and was worried about the product going bad. However, I signed the paper asking it to be brought to certain stores and fingers crossed I see it soon (though I might just cave and order good!)
Have you tried these products out? What are some of your favorite items? If you attended this event what companies are still on your mind?
Artisan Tropic
So good. They had plantain and cassava strips that were out of this world. I loved the cassava sea salt strips and the plantain cinnamon strips. Additionally they had dried fruit. For me dried fruit is a hit or a miss. Well theirs is a hit. That coconut and the pineapple were beyond delicious. I am pretty sure I sampled way more than I was necessary! They also had fantastic prices for the products on hand (those were coming home with me!). What I also enjoyed was how everyone answered questions and were so friendly. They had a fantastic table, product and customer service. I can't wait to order my next batch of cassava strips and coconut or pineapple!

Refreshing and delicious. They had two styles to sample from and I honestly can't way what my favorite is. I can see enjoying either with different meals or times. Both were light, smelled great and were very smooth to drink. I left there knowing that I would be purchasing their product! Additionally I loved how the woman running the table knew about what new releases on the way (I can't wait to try pear)
Roots~ "The Microbrew of Hummus"
Talk about a selection of flavors! I tried 3 out, which I enjoyed, but the one I loved and plan on buying as soon as I get to a store that carries this brand (small town living y'all!) is the Roasted Garlic. It is tasty but not overpowering in smell. If you like hummus you will love this product! If you are not a hummus fan, you should try this because my mom and friend are not the biggest hummus fans, but enjoyed this flavor and product. We did have to steer me and my friend away from the spicy options as we don't handle spice to well!! However, my mom she loves spices and could not stop raving about them.
Fields of Gold Farm
Red Clay Gourmet
Try this product as soon as you can. I tried the Goat Cheese and Sun Tried Tomato pimento cheese and it is still on my mind. It was light with a bit of zest. Delicious. It is not sold near me, but I already have it on my list for the next time that I am near Greensboro or Charlotte!!
The Gluten and Grain Free Gourmet
Her food is out of this world delicious. Many things I tried last weekend were good, but her paleo sea salt almond chocolate bars are out of this world. I don't mean just good for being gluten free, dairy free, paleo etc. I mean they are good!! Additionally, it was great talking to her and learning from her experiences and vast knowledge about nutrition and the gluten free world.
Little Me Tea

The Produce Box
I learned about this company a while ago and I love the idea behind it. However and quite sadly, I do not live in an area that they deliver to..yet! Fingers crossed they start closing the gap between Greensboro and Charlotte and we in the Rowan County area can start partaking in the fresh local goodies that they provide to their customers! I loved that they were at this event because I spoke with them about delivering out this way and learned more about the farmers, the products, etc. If you are looking for a convenient way to get local and fresh produce, check out their page to see if you are live in their delivery area! The service and prices are quite competitive and reasonable!
Titos Vodka
Ricewrap Foods
I love sushi. I love all kinds of sushi and so it was pretty upsetting when I started figuring out my need for gluten free that many sushi places could not guarantee gluten free products. This company has a fantastic product and a great way of showcasing it since they rolled the sushi rolls at the event. The rice was fresh, delicious, kept its shape and I loved it! I wanted to purchase it there, and that was an option, but I could not since I live more than an hour away from the event location and was worried about the product going bad. However, I signed the paper asking it to be brought to certain stores and fingers crossed I see it soon (though I might just cave and order good!)
Have you tried these products out? What are some of your favorite items? If you attended this event what companies are still on your mind?
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