Mail call....It's here!!

My favorite author is re-releasing her series in hardcover (well the books that weren't published in hardcover originally) and I couldn't be more excited!!!  When I first started reading the "In Death" series I emailed the publishing company asking where to find the hardcover and I was not happy when I was told they didn't exist. Silly, maybe, but true because I love her hardcovers and their designs.

So last year on Facebook I saw an update on her page saying that they would be releasing each book in order as long as there was a demand.  Hello this girl went and purchased/pre-ordered that book right then!  It came right in time for Christmas and was beautiful!  So then, naturally I start thinking when does the next one come out..hurryyyy!!  Saw the status on Facebook and it is going to be released right around my birthday in July!  It is a sign right..happy birthday to me!

So I went and purchased it and asked for the autograph to say either my name or ideally Happy Birthday Meghan...and y'all..I can't even begin to tell you how much it meant to me today to come home and find this at on my front porch...

Behold my lovely new signed hardcover "In Death" book from J.D. Robb!!!

The smile on my face is 1)huge and 2) still there oh about 4 hours later!!  I was not expecting it until mid-July and to get it today was FANTASTIC!

Whoever decided to re-print these in hardcover...Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!
