Sassy Christmas (Storm MC #4.5) by Nina Levine, Book Review

General Information
Genre~ Romance
Published~ December 2014

Book Summary (Per Goodreads)
Christmas - Storm girl style!

Join the Storm girls for a Sassy Christmas.

This book picks up where Slay ends so make sure you've read up to that book before reading this one otherwise there will be spoilers for you.

My Thoughts
I love the cover (hello those shoes!), title (epitome of these ladies) and the fact that it is from the women's point of view.  These ladies have had their stories and we get to check in with them, but instead of the alpha's POV where there is violence, cursing, hotttt scenes and the relationship, we have the reverse.  The women show us the hott scenes, the family and club dynamic, their relationships and in the background is the drama going on in the club.  Prior to this book I loved Layla and Velvet (thought they were funny, strong and independent)and just liked Madison and Harlow (seemed somewhat too meek to stay in the Storm drama), but now I think all of these women (plus the others mentioned or introduced in this book) are feisty and pretty hysterical.

This is a very quick and enjoyable read.  I would recommend reading this book in order of the series though and not as a starting point because it does contain some spoilers to the other books and characters.  Additionally, it sets up (perfectly in my opinion) the next story in the series...Griff's!

Important Links
*Find my review to Storm (Storm MC #1) here, Fierce (Storm MC #2) here, Blaze (Storm MC #2.1) here, Roxie (Storm MC #2.2) here, Revive (Storm MC #3) here, and Slay (Storm MC #4) here

Links to Purchase Book
Amazon (it's free!!)

Disclaimer~ I bought this (it was free) on my own!

Until my next y'all!!
